ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Certification
Our ServSafe® Food Safety Class and Exam consists of a NRAEF approved instructor conducting 7 hours of classroom instruction and then administering the ServSafe® food safety exam.
ServSafe® training and certification is recognized by more federal, state and local jurisdictions than any other food safety certification and meets or exceeds requirements for local regulatory compliance. It emphasizes the importance of preventing foodborne illness and ultimately an outbreak in the food service industry.
Private classes are available.

Key Topics
Importance of personal hygiene for food handlers
Foodborne illness
Reputable suppliers
Proper cleaning and sanitizing
Time/temperature control for food safety

At the conclusion of the course, participants will be prepared to take the ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Certification Exam accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) – Conference for Food Protection (CFP). Successful completion of the exam will merit a food safety certification awarded by National Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC valid for five years.
Private classes or proctor upon request. Call 843-573-7935 to schedule a class or if you need a proctor for the online exam.
©2012 National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF). All rights reserved. ServSafe is a registered trademark of the NRAEF, used under license by National Restaurant Solutions, LLC. The logo appearing next to ServSafe is a trademark of the National Restaurant Association.

ServSafe® Alcohol™ Training
Proper alcohol service is a responsibility we all share. The consequences of service violations can be serious, so it’s vital that your entire staff gets involved to help prevent improper service. ServSafe® Alcohol™ Training course assists in giving your staff the training they need to help ensure every drink served is a safe one. This nationally recognized certification is valid for three years.
If you have several employees who need certified ask about an instructor coming to your location. 843-573-7935

Private classes or proctor upon request. Call 843-573-7935 or send an email request to schedule a class or if you need a proctor for the online exam.

Food Handlers Certificate Program
South Carolina now requires that there must always be a Person in Charge on premise at all times with either a Food Protection Manager certification such as ServSafe Manager or an accredited food handler certificate such as ServSafe Food Handler. The South Carolina regulations still require that one manager per establishment has a food protection manager certification such as ServSafe Manager. The ServSafe Food Handler program available is accredited in South Carolina for Person in Charge.

This program covers 5 areas:
Basic Food Safety
Personal Hygiene
Cross-contamination & Allergens
Time & Temperature
Cleaning & Sanitation

Who should take this course? All non-managerial food service staff. This course will provide your staff with basic principals of food safety.
Do you have several employees who need to be certified?
Call 843-573-7935 or email for private class information.